Digital Coaching

Positive Intelligence Empowerment Coaching Program

A program like no other. An evidence-based model rooted in neuroscience and brain development. A six week program that leverages on technology to help strengthen brain power and build intelligence that is positive for greater impact, higher success, stronger relations and happier self.

Healing Power
Heal the root cause of all unhappy and negative emotions such as fear, stress, anger, guilt, shame, insecurity in 3 simple steps

1. Intercepting the saboteur which reacts with negative emotions

2. Boosting your ability to command your mind to quieten the saboteur

3. Move to your sage area, where the clear calm focused mind can respond to challenges and events with positive emotions

Advanced App Technology
The PQ program is supported by an app available on android and IOS. Its not just the normal kind of coaching but trains you and gives you tools that you can apply in all personal, professional and functional areas





Conflict Management

(Example: Sales)
Client Presentations








Time Management

Career Planning


The PQ program is six (6) weeks in duration
Includes the following ->

1. Two free assessments at the beginning and end of program

2. Access to the coaching app (Android/iOS) for a whole year

3. Mental Fitness tools

4. 1-hour weekly video (on weekend or Monday)

5. 15 minutes/day of practice (5 3minute each exercises)

6. 8 chapters of Positive Intelligence audio book

7. Real time progress metrics

8. Membership to the PQ global community

9. Six weekly coaching with your coach

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching for Professionals

Create the work life you aspire to

Empower!! Empower!!! Empower
Empowering and inspiring women helping them develop authentic strategies, confident personal brands enabling them lead at higher levels and thrive in their careers with ease and flow
Perfect Balance
Work/life balance, no me-time, imposter syndrome and frustrations are common for women achievers. Coaching will help you overcome all these for greater fulfillment, joy, and success
Career Coaching

Career Coaching, Find Your Dream Job

Lost Explorer
Frustrated, bored or unfulfilled at work? Feeling “stuck” career-wise with no idea how to move forward? Want to make a career change, but don’t know how or what? Seeking to know yourself better and the direction your career should take? Looking for career progression i.e. promotion, leadership or earning more money?
Infinity Guidance
Look no further. We got you covered. Engage with us for a more rewarding successful career today. We help our clients understand their current status, revamping resumes, career blueprinting, building a personal brand statement, living the brand, interview presentation skills and leadership skills development within the workspace