Azmina Mulji

Meet Azmina

Azmina has 20+years as an expert HR practitioner where she has helped organizations turn around performance impacting their growth trajectory through bespoke HR interventions.She is enthralled about extending her expertise to corporations looking for increased and sustainable growth by providing top class HR consulting services wishing to perform par excellence. Her value proposition can be summed up in one statement: “To provide tailor-made interventions professionally and competently delivering beyond expectations for improved human capital processes, cost-efficiencies and a better bottom-line

Global Diploma in Professional Coaching
MBA in HR Management (Heriot-Watt University UK)
Bachelors of Laws (UON Kenya)
Accredited Corporate Governance Auditor
Advocate of the High Court of Kenya
Member International Coaching Federation
Member Institute of Human Resource Management of Kenya
Member of the Law Soceity of Kenya
Member of the Institute of the Company Secretaries of Kenya